New Visiting Guidelines 7/8/2021
Greetings, Villa St Joseph families, residents, and responsible parties we would like to share new visiting guidelines that will become effective at Villa St. Joseph and Marymount Place as of 6/23/21. Some of you may have heard that the Governor has lifted Ohio visitor restrictions in facilities. While this is true, facilities are still mandated to follow CDC and CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) visitation requirements.
Our biggest priority continues to be keep our residents, staff and visitors healthy and safe. The pandemic IS NOT over even with guidelines changes. We also are aware there are many reasons a person may or may not get vaccinated and since health information is protected we CAN NOT share this information, but do take it into account when developing our guidelines.
- Visiting hours will be 10:30 AM – 7:00 PM 7 days per week. Please avoid visiting your loved ones during meal times and visiting in the dining rooms. If you have a special circumstance please call and we will do our best to make accommodations within the CDC and CMS guidelines.
- Groups of 3 people or more need to make an appointment.
- Visitors may bring residents food BUT visitors CAN NOT eat with residents.
- Residents who are not vaccinated and were admitted withing 14 days or are Covid-19 positive may not receive visitors.
- Since we do have unvaccinated or NOT fully vaccinated, ALL residents that are out in public areas/hallways need to wear masks
- You will continue to need to buzz into the facility and you will be health screened at the front door prior your visit (temperature and health questions). All items on the log need to be filled out just in case there is a COVID case and we would need to contact you about a potential exposure.
- All visitors will be required to wear a mask (that is covering mouth and nose) at all times and not wander throughout the building. Handwashing must be conducted when necessary.
- If you are doing a compassion care visit because your loved one is still in quarantine or is COVID positive you will need to wear a surgical mask, face shield and gown while in their room. Please hand sanitizer before and after leaving the room for your visit.
- Visitor must be able to keep the face mask over their mouth and nose.
- Social Distancing of 6 feet between you and others in the building (not you and your Resident) must be maintained. If the Resident and Visitors are fully vaccinated, they can choose to have close contact with you.
- If there is a roommate present, the facility will obtain consent from roommate to allow visitors in the room. Should one of the roommates decline then visits will occur in common area.
- Outdoor visits are encouraged when weather permits in designated areas
- Visitors can take Residents outside, please social distance from others
- Compassionate Care Visits can still be scheduled for Residents who are at end of life, grieving after a family or friend recently passed away, needs encouragement to eat or drink and is experience weight loss or dehydration or are experiencing emotional distress.
- If you prefer to visit your loved one in a common area please call for an appointment.
Please note that visiting can become limited if the facility develops new cases of Covid-19, or if the building becomes too crowded not allowing for social distancing.
If you have questions please ask one of our managers or the front desk. We will also be placing signs reminding what personal protective equipment (PPE) is required in certain areas.
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The Villa at Marymount & Marymount Place
5200 Marymount Village Dr
Garfield Heights, OH 44125
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Call Us: 216-332-1100