Giving Opportunities

Resident Andrea Bennett hopes you remember The Village at Marymount on Giving Tuesday, Nov. 29. Donate to us through #weGiveCatholic so we can continue to provide fun activities for residents like Andrea. Thank you!
We are a 501(c)(3) organization,
Tax ID: 20-5652595
Your Support Makes A Distinct Difference!
A gift to The Village at Marymount supports the continuation of excellence in health care and the many programs and initiatives that make us a premier health care institution and provider for our community.
Philanthropy is a vital source of revenue
Your generosity allows The Village at Marymount to sustain and enhance our tradition of excellence in assisting Northeast Ohio residents. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, The Village at Marymount strives to improve the quality of life for our residents through the support of health-related programs primarily directed throughout Northeast Ohio.
We invite you to invest in The Village at Marymount.
It is only with ongoing and generous support that we can maintain our traditions of excellence in personalized health care.
- Gifts to The Village at Marymount are investments that will reap extraordinary academic and societal dividends.
- You are helping to maintain the building and programs of The Village at Marymount.
- Corporations and foundations look to the total percentage of donor participation in giving before choosing who they will support – 100% participation is best.
- Your gift is tax-deductible!
You will be recognized in The Village at Marymount’s Villager newsletter and Annual Report.
Giving Options
Choose a Specific Fund or Cause
Philanthropic support for The Village at Marymount includes contributions to the Annual Fund, Legacy Giving, Corporate and Foundation Support, In-kind donations, dedicated volunteerism, and Special Event Donations – like the annual Celebration of Life Gala.
Corporate and Foundation Support
Supporting The Village at Marymount can help your corporation or firm stand out in a highly competitive environment. Partnering with us creates an opportunity to involve your employees in a significant cause, raise funds through your business, and invite your consumers or suppliers to have an impact in their community.
There are many opportunities for corporate partners of The Village at Marymount to be recognized for generously advancing the health care community and those it touches. To discuss opportunities to make a distinct difference in our community, please call the Development Office at 216-332-1983.
Tribute Gifts
Special Events
United Way
Annual Support
Your outright gift of cash is the simplest method of giving, and when unrestricted, allows the greatest flexibility to meet immediate priorities. Donations made to a specific program also make an invaluable impact.
Endowments provide permanent, annual support of The Village at Marymount and are a wonderful way to honor a family member, friend, or mentor, while establishing a permanent legacy and inspiring others.
In-Kind Support
Matching Gifts
Tell your employer about your gift. As a private, 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, The Village at Marymount qualifies for employers’ matching gifts. Contributions are tax-deductible fully allowable.
Planned Giving
However you and your professional adviser structure your planned gift, you will leave a legacy for future generations. Including The Village at Marymount in your estate planning can be as simple as naming us as a beneficiary in your will, or as sophisticated as establishing a charitable gift annuity which would provide you with an income stream for life.
To explore the tax-wise benefits of planned giving, please call the Development Office at 216-332-1983.
Volunteerism: We don’t just need your treasure. We also need your time and talents. Volunteers are an integral part of The Village at Marymount’s family. Whether you are interested in supporting our residents directly or supporting our staff “behind the scenes,” we may have an important role for you. To learn more about the volunteering opportunities with The Village at Marymount, please contact our Director of Development at 216-332-1983, or email [email protected].
Anne’s Story
As we reflect on the blessings of this holiday season, we want to thank you for allowing us to share the story and some of the most memorable quotes of Anne, who came to live at The Village at Marymount in February of 2018…
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The Village at Marymount 2020 Annual Report
Read our 2020 Annual Report (simply click on the link below), which highlights “The Year of Resilience…”
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The Village at Marymount
2019 Annual Report
Read our 2019 Annual Report (simply click on the link below), which chronicles “The Rest of the Story…”
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Make a Gift
To make a Gift, please call us at 216-332-1983
or email: [email protected]
The Village at Marymount
5200 Marymount Village Dr
Garfield Heights, OH 44125