Good afternoon, Village at Marymount Family, Friends, and Staff. This is Sue Nall the Executive Director.

We had another Villa St. Joseph resident test positive for COVID this morning. Despite today’s positive case, no additional testing is needed at this time. We will continue to monitor all staff and residents for signs and symptoms of COVID per our regular protocols.

Our COVID update since March 2020: Villa St. Joseph has 4 Active staff and or Resident Cases. We had a total of 243 resident or staff cases. Memory Care Assisted Living at Villa St Joseph has 0 active Resident or Staff cases and a cumulative total of 20 cases. Marymount Place has 1 Active Resident or Staff cases and a cumulative total of 51 resident/staff cases.

With the holiday season quickly approaching, it is more important than ever to make sure you are full vaccinated and have the booster shots. These vaccines give crucial protection against COVID. Most people tend to get their flu shot in November and December and to January. But it is equally important as we head into the holidays to update your immunity. Get the new COVID vaccine, get the flu shot. These are great ways to stay safe and healthy this holiday season.

Families will be gathering with more frequency from now until the end of the year. If you have any cold-, flu-, or COVID-like symptoms, or know you have been exposed to COVID, then we ask that you not visit at this time.

We continue to do all we can to keep our residents and staff safe from COVID. We’re also fully aware that the virus remains a real threat, especially this time of the year.

Please remember the Three W’s: Wash and sanitize hands, wear a mask, and watch your distance when in large groups. Thank you … and stay safe everyone.