Hello Village at Marymount Family, Friends, and Staff. This is Sue Nall the Executive Director. 

We had another positive case at Villa St. Joseph. This person works in a non-clinical area.

Our COVID update since March 2020: Villa St. Joseph has 4 Active Staff and Resident Cases. We have a total of 116 resident and staff cases. Memory Care Assisted Living at Villa St Joseph has 0 Resident or Staff cases and a cumulative total of 2 cases. Marymount Place has 4 Active Resident or Staff cases — and a cumulative total of 19 resident/staff cases.

The cases I’ve reported to you this week emphasize the fact that we are not done with COVID. It’s not only impacting us, but it’s affecting local hospitals, schools … even the Cleveland Browns. The CDC reported that an increase in Omicron variant cases in the U.S. may lead to a surge peaking as early as January. This is on top of the delta surge we are currently seeing.

COVID will remain front and center in the news for a while. It’s not going away any time soon. We all need to readjust our thinking relative to COVID. The upcoming holidays should be celebrated with some degree of caution if you’re planning to be around large gatherings of family and friends.  It’s all of our goals to protect each other!

I continue to urge you to practice those all important “Three W’s” …wash your hands and go back to watching your distance and wearing a mask. Get the booster shot if you are eligible to do so. It is showing to help minimize the effects of COVID.

I will continue to keep you updated with the very latest regarding COVID and its impact on our facility. Please trust that we are doing all we can to take the necessary and proper precautions to keep our residents, staff and you safe and healthy. Thank you!