Hello Village at Marymount Families, Friends, and Staff. This is Sue Nall the executive director.

Just a quick reminder that Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services – the government department that creates our regulations requires anyone coming into a facility like ours to be wearing a mask.  Please let family & friends who plan to visit know that this.

We had another caregiver that was positive. We believe that their exposure was in the community and the person hasn’t worked the last few days and tested negative the last day worked.

Our COVID updatesince March 2020: Villa St. Joseph has 4 Active staff and or Resident Cases. We had a total of 204resident or staff cases. Memory Care Assisted Living at Villa St Joseph has 0 active Resident or Staff cases and a cumulative total of 14 cases. MarymountPlace has 0 Active Resident or Staff cases — and a cumulative total of 36resident/staff cases.

Marymount Place is out of outbreak as of today and back into surgical masks and eyewear.  SCU, our 1st floor, continues in N95s and faceshields.  MCU, our ground floor, and CCU, our 2nd floor, need to wear surgical mask and eyewear.  Staff on SCU need to continue testing weekly, those that are no up to date with their COVID vaccines twice a week. 

The Ohio Department of Health reported that cases are definitely increasing in Ohio.  We also know there have been an increase in hospitalizations, even here in Northeastern Ohio.

We are probably in for a number of weeks seeing cases increase again.  As your enjoying the summer weather and events please watch your distances when you can.  Handwashing and using hand sanitizer are also great ways to stop any spread of COVID & stay healthy.

Have a great weekend!